Wednesday 19 August 2015

Welcome to my Top Saving Guide.

This blog is for those who need to save money, either just a little bit now, quickly as possible, or maybe as much as you can sustain without too much damage to your sanity or that of your friends.  This started for me many years ago as a student living on very little and thinking back then that I could live that cheaply for the rest of my life.  Of course I didn't. When you suddenly earn more, life finds a way of relieving you of that cash very quickly.  But since then, I have had to think again about saving - to pay off the mortgage, pay school fees etc., and so I have gradually begun to cut the corners off my budget in every way possible.  I paid off one mortgage in half the time, but then got another.  I would like to pay that one off faster too if I can, so that is what this blog is about. Much of it will be me posting things I have already done, but others will be things I am doing now.  I will try to give each way of cutting back a rating in terms of amount saved, effort taken, and also a kind of wellbeing score.  After all some things come with an obvious health benefit (like giving up the bad things in life), while others put strain on it (like not eating well enough).  So lets see how it goes.

Enjoy reading....
